Wexford Chamber Business Awards

The Development Association were Finalist’s for the Wexford Business Awards this year for Wexford Social Enterprise Outstanding Achievement Award, which took place on Friday 25th May in Clayton Whites Hotel in Wexford, whilst we didn’t come away with any hardware this year it was an honour to have gotten so far.
We were up against a stiff group which included:
Kilmore Development Association
Wexford Arts Centre
Community Minds
Family Carers Ireland

This year The Development Association will be organizing a Litter pick on the Back Roads from Ballycanew/ Ballyoughter. We will love if you could join us for this worthwhile cause. Keep an eye out on Facebook or the Local Notes section of the Paper, or Contact Aislinn @ 087/2127614
Roads, Footpaths and other:
The Development Association are delighted to see that resurfacing work has taken place on the Ballyoughter Road.
We are also delighted that from a plea made in January of this year that the Main Road in Ballycanew, and potholes were addressed in the Village.
We are also in talks to provide a safe passage for pedestrians from The top of the Village to the School, we have also made reccomendations to the Council that either a crossing or Isand should be placed at the top of the Village to allow for safe crossing from Tina’s to Percivals, whilst progression is slow we are constintantly chasing this issue up.
At the date of print we have also made a submission to the council for a complete Village Health Check, this allows for a body to come and access the village needs for the future.